Wednesday, September 12, 2012

September Night

Every year as September ages, I begin to search inside myself for memories, which haven’t been attended to since last year. It’s not that I’ve forgotten; it's just that over time other things get piled upon them, and they disappear from view. So at this time in the year, a little fall memory cleaning is in order to reconnect with those old friends that are beautiful yet hard to recall.

As is most often the case, my thoughts usually wax toward a state of reflection and sadness. It is difficult to visit those happy/sad memories we all have. They provide smiles and tears, as well as laughter and sadness. Such is the power of memories and who are we to shape them into something they cannot become. They simply have the power they have because of us and the thoughts we've attached to them.

So on the evening of the 911 terrorist attack anniversary, I searched out some memories I’d stored away and shook them like snow globes and watched with awe as the magical swirls began. This poem is the result of those minutes I spent with some of my best/worst memories. I hope you enjoy it and I hope it makes you think of some of your own memories.

I remember

I remember a midnight
Together we did share
A viewing of the sky
Stars shined everywhere.

We laughed and talked
With heads turned up to see
A splendid sight above
Together you and me

Now years lay between
That memory and today
But the really strong ones
Can seem like just the other day

I keep that memory safe
Tucked into a corner of my mind
And sometimes when it’s quiet
I take it out and find

It’s still just as bright
As the stars were on that night
And if I listen, I just might.
Hear your laughter soft and light.

But it can’t be like that tonight
Time has taken you from us
And left memories adorned with pain
Along with a faithful promise

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